Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day 3 Mitzi G Burger By the Sea

I like the way this is going. The 30-day communards are pushing through the limit of a 2-day fad to achieve a 30-day habit, and beyond.

Just when the temperature dropped and my motivation slackened, almost imperceptibly, the will to achieve my full 30 got me up and moving.

On go the sneakers, on goes the beanie and off I go - back to the sea.

Last night on the evening news there were shots of a humpback whale spotted leaping into the air ("breaking the surface"), just a little ways out to sea from Kernel, the place at the far end of the bay where I walk.

While my stroll is a bit too shore-bound to see whales, I have been enjoying a dose of daily nature. Here are some cockatoos who were feasting on some seeds that dropped from nearby pine trees.


Since I saw the footage of yesterday's whale, I am quite curious about seeing more whales at sea. There are plenty of whale-watching cruises, because June and July mark the beginning of the whale season here in Sydney. Perhaps one day I will overcome my inane and inexplicable fear of "the freaky way that boats rock" in order to enjoy seeing whales in the wild?


bob said...

I've done a couple whale watches on boats out of Provincetown. Great fun! Especially when the babies start showing off.

Although, truth told, I think they might be animatronic. Surely whales aren't so funny and in need of attention?

Lynne Rees said...

Coming from the UK whenever I see birds like cockatoos in the wild I always think they must have escaped from someone's house!

Anonymous said...

Like Lynn, I consider cockatoos as pets! You have parakeets and budgies in the wild, too? I need to visit australia soon!

Anonymous said...

Wild cockatoos? Way cool! And whales too. Love reading about your strolls. Takes me to a different place-- away from boring old here.

Gnu Kid said...

so, if one of them flew off, would the other be a cockaone?