Wednesday 17 August 2011

Reading & Riding: Day Two

Day 2 complete. So what's the protocol here. Do people check in every day? I mean, I expect to run out of anything even remotely interesting to say by about, oh, day four, if not sooner.

Yesterday I had a mistake on the calorie burn. Should have been 162. Like y'all care. But I'm tracking it anyway.

Day 2
Weight: 232.6
Distance: 4.06 miles
Calories: 178

For those keeping score at home, everything went up, including weight. But I know enough to not get hung up on day-to-day weight. Well, unless it goes down.

I may still be in the honeymoon phase here, but I'm liking this. I'm already plotting and scheming for what I'm going to do for my next 30 day challenge.

But then I always tend to put the cart before the goose who lays the golden fleece after the barn door is closed.



Anonymous said...

Your last line is pretty funny. I like.

You can check in whenever you want. Doesn't have to be daily. And let's just say your weight went up because you're building muscle mass, shall we? ;-)

Anonymous said...

the protocol is up to you - use this as you need it. during round one, i found that i didn't need to post all that often, but it became VERY important to me to track the progress of the others...

we'll keep reading. we're in this together, whatever it is!

and by the way - what did you find as reading material?

dinahmow said...

I think you must be reading Aesop!

I think I'll post a week's end update. My timetable is suddenly back to crazy so posting's iffy.

Oh and although I've said I'll measure my wing flaps there wont be any reduction in those from the bike. Once I get back to swimming I'd like to think they'll at least firm-up if not go away. Faaar away, please!

e4 said...

SOMSmom - Yeah, let's go with that.

daisyfae - I am still bouncing around with books. I may have to hit the library. I started with Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex. Read a bit of Little House in the Big Woods. Staring at a bunch of Harland Coben & Michael Connelly books. It seems I have forgotten how to read a book.

dinahmow - I may go to a weekly update as well. Good luck with the arm flaps!

Gnu Kid said...

you'll notice i write but randomly. you should do so if you feelnthe need for support, or to brag, or just because you want to. be patient with the weight loss.