Sunday 24 July 2011

Cleaning and organizing...

This weekend I have made major progress on the decluttering and cleaning of the house. Our master bedroom, formerly the repository of all things that need to be dealt with or organized, is now neat and tidy and clean. I filed away enough of the kids' artwork and school papers and recycled the rest. Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff to be dealt with has ended up downstairs in the kitchen, but at least there I will be forced to deal with it NOW rather than putting it off forever.

I also cleaned our master bathroom. That involved taking all of the kids' toys out of the bathtub and surrounding area, and scrubbing away the hard water deposits on everything. Phew. I also scrubbed the baseboards and cleaned the floor.

Laundry, too!

Wow, these summer days when I don't fill the day with plans are really much more productive! I should try having more of them.

No photo organizing yet, though we did spend some time watching the Disney slideshow, so maybe that counts.


Anonymous said...

Busy, busy, busy! I always find it unexpectedly nice when I get a room cleaned out of clutter-- suddenly there's so much more space I didn't know I had!

M L Jassy said...

I do so love a good de-clutter.