Sunday 24 July 2011

A Challenge Dropped

...but it's not a bad thing. i'm leaving in about 10 hours to go on a vacation. that sort of makes my "spend 30 minutes a day organizing and purging stuff" a bit difficult to accomplish. now, i suppose i could volunteer in the back office of the hotel and do that, but i think they'd frown on that. so, i'm putting that challenge to rest. for now. as i've mentioned before, there will amazingly be yet another 30 days after this 30 days is done for me to pick up the challenge again. it's a good challenge. just would rather give it a full 30 days.

the sleep thing? will still look to get my 7 hours a night on vacation, even if it takes a nap...or three. yeah, still having that issue of going to bed earlier, but having my body clock still get me up after 5-1/2 to 6 hours. but, that's the essence of the change old habits. it will happen. i'm being patient.

and the reading? doing great. enjoying picking up reading again. i've finished my second book and am now reading "World War Z" - - a journalistic collection of interviews about the zombie war (you did hear about that, yes?). and this is top literature, mind you. for example, a line i read today is just literary gold - - "But instead [the monkey's] little penis popped out and he peed in my face." Pulitzer Prize, baby...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your vacation! Perfect time to read... forget about the other two for a while and just have fun. See you when you get back!

M L Jassy said...

2 out of three ain't bad - it's brilliant! Enjoy sleeping, reading and hollidaying.