Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 9 - Butt Kicking Yoga

AM Yoga accomplished!  But boy was I low on energy.  I couldn't get through the whole thing without stopping to rest.  There's a whole downward dog into plank into cobra into downward dog segment I can't get through anyway, but today was worse than usual.  Then there was my favorite section that I usually love but today couldn't get through without taking a break.  The nice thing about doing this at home and alone is that no one sees my cheats and rests (but of course I have to out myself here-- geesh, when will I learn? lol) 

Ok, on with the day (with an eye toward PM Yoga before bed, because it's much easier and feels good).

1 comment:

Mitzi G Burger said...

Glad I am not the only one who hangs out all day in anticipation of the 30 Day Challenge instalment, with excitement building as the hours pass. Perhaps one day I will be able to do my crossword seated in the lotus position?