Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 26 - Beetle Leg

I had decided to take a day off from the 30 day challenge because I was visiting with friends and family, and then traveling, but then I saw this beetle (a Japanese beetle?).  Oliver and I were strolling the sidewalk of my mom's neighborhood and came across a beetle working its way through a leaf.  I got close to it to see if I could actually see it eating, and when I did so it stuck its leg up in the air like an antennae.  It was so funny looking sitting there with a leg raised that I wanted a picture.  Unfortunately my cell phone camera doesn't take good close up shots, so you can't see the beetle well, or its leg jutting into the air.  Nonetheless, here's the pic; and at least I met the day's challenge, even if I'd originally decided not to.


Mitzi G Burger said...

I wonder if the beetle realises that if it eats the leaf it's sitting on, gravity may become an issue?

Gnu Kid said...

i think the beetle was actually giving you a 'good morning!' wave.