Tuesday 26 July 2011

Little bit of photos, lots of decluttering

I just finished uploading and sharing the best of our family trip in June. There is a little more cleanup I can do for this year, but I'm basically done until the end of July, when I'll have to handle July's pictures.

I spent hours and hours in the basement today, moving stuff around and sorting it out. I just need to figure out what to do with all of the stuff we don't need anymore. Garage sale is a ton of work, Once Upon a Child might be a good solution, but donation is the easiest. I have a really hard time letting go of things, so I was going to try selling it this time to see if a monetary reward would help me get rid of things. I will probably try Once Upon a Child first, then donate the rest.


Anonymous said...

What to do with stuff is always the toughest part of de-cluttering. I hate to throw out perfectly good stuff, but who would want it? Donation is the easiest option. I had a yard sale last summer-- tons of work and made about $66. Totally not worth the effort. This year I'm donating everything I don't think will sell on ebay.

M L Jassy said...

I just looked up the Once Upon a Child website. Looks fantastic.

Lynne Rees said...
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Lynne Rees said...

These days I remember this decluttering advice, and for the most part manage to stick to it. Possibly because of unwrapping stuff from over 200 boxes when I arrived in France and thinking, why the fuck did I think I needed this? So things I keep have to answer yes to at least one of these questions:
1. Is it beautiful?
2. Is it functional?
3. If it has sentimental value does the memory of that event/person serve just as well?