Sunday 17 July 2011

Bright lights, big city, ton of books...

Managed to hit both the reading goal and the sleeping goal yesterday... And am now lying on the floor of a borrowed NYC flat, bootlegging wireless, while my travel mate for the next two weeks, nursemyra, stretches her long legs!

We've traveled together before, and we both love to read on holiday. Suitcases full of books. We'll have no trouble getting in the reading time! The 7 hours sleep, may be more of a challenge...


Anonymous said...

I've never much had a desire for an ereader, but then read something about how they're great for travel because you don't have to lug around tons of books. That convinced me it might be a worthwhile purchase. I'm like you, I take tons of books with me on vacation-- they get heavy! Hope you have a good time in the Big Apple!

M L Jassy said...

Fun! I think you two should observe Drop Everything And Read.

bob said...

Grab a dinner at 44&X. And maybe one of the waiter's bums. Good food, cute boys.

Where you staying? (send me details in email and I'll send you to the local haunts). xox

bob said...

SOMSmom ... I never wanted one either, till I got one and it's truly amazing. Not just for travel, but for city living as well.

Gnu Kid said...

"lying on the floor" - - no furniture there? did you really get permission to be there? are you sure you're not just a squatter?