Thursday 8 September 2011

Cryptic Burger Septermber 8

Following yesterday's maudlin recognition that a challenge is actually challenging, I then reverted to my daily cryptic task with some determination. Result! I figured out 10 clues from yesterday's puzzle, and 3 from today's.

As time is pressing due to other daily duties, I will supply just the one clue, my favourite of the lot.
Q President gives duck two arts degrees (5)
A Obama

I worked this out from President + BA (bachelor of arts) + MA (Masters)...I don't actually know why the word "duck" is in the clue, but the answer is correct based on today's solutions. So the crypticising continues, I am back in the game.


dinahmow said...

Hey! Think "cricket."
A duck in cricket is being dismissed for no runs and is expressed as "O"
The rest of it, yes, you're right on the degrees.
I still don't know where to find these blighters so I tackle the Sunday Times crossword in the Saturday Australian. Which reminds me...

Anonymous said...

still a bit mysterious to me, but i can follow the logic on this one!

i'll go back to my coloring book 'word search' puzzle now...

e4 said...

I love reading your solutions, or possible solutions, and the reasons behind them. But I can tell my brain is not wired for success in that type of puzzle. It's something of a vicarious thrill to see the answers extracted right before my eyes though.

Anonymous said...

I did not follow the Obama clue AT ALL. Bravo for getting it. As always, brilliant.