Monday 25 July 2011

Going Posh with Mitzi

Seaside strolls has morphed entirely into Treadmill Thrills. I leapt aboard this avo with thirty minutes of spare energy, and it sizzle out of my pores in true toxins-ran-out-of-town-by-the-sherrif fashion. Goodbye, tension, stress and ick. Hello, happy zings, endorphins and squeaks.

Today's sweat soundtrack was a podcast of the Dave Gorman session on Absolute Radio (UK). Dave Gorman deserves much acclaim for his gentlemanly humour and fireside charm. Together with co-presenters Danielle Ward and Martin White, the show is side-splittingly funny, including contributions from twitter and facebook fans. The topic for listener interraction was "going posh" one listener considers garden peas more posh than mushy peas; another considered that calling your parents "Mummy" or "Daddy" when you're 35 or older is completely posh. Posh (swanky, classy, upper crust) stood for Port Outward, Starboard Home (from the days of ships and sea travel, indicating the best class of cabin location aboard ship.) See? My day's jog did have a connection to the sea. A posh one.


Anonymous said...

It is too bad the weather drove your indoors... but we're getting some good posts out of it! :-)

Lynne Rees said...

I'm impressed to read your enthusiasm for the treadmill before you even start... the gym paralyses my enthusiasm gland... although I always feel good, and virtuous, at the end.