Monday 25 July 2011

Chugging along....

The 30 Day Challenge train chugs merrily forward! While in NYC, i finished my first book - slow and steady progress, and generaly nailing the 30 minutes/day goal. Flying into Chicago yesterday for the next part of the holiday, i dug into "Under the Banner of Heaven", by Jon Krakauer...

The sleep portion of the game is generally going pretty well! Still averaging 7 hours/night, but augmenting that with 2 hour daily siestas. i will be loathe to give up the afternoon naps when i am back at my desk.

i did have one night of interrupted sleep - that pesky 4am call regarding a family situation that was guaranteed to keep me awake the remainder of the night. But all is momentarily resolved... and i can sleep again.

i hope...


M L Jassy said...

Amazed that you have the discipline to sleep and read during travels. I'd be reading Lonely Planet and an occasionaly newspaper. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Your vacation sounds exactly like it should be: relaxing. I've only ever traveled with my family and the days were so packed with activities napping was an impossibility. I did plenty of reading on those vacations, but only on those long car rides from point a to point b. Safe travels!

bob said...

Go to Unabridged Bookstore in Chicago.

It's one of the last great indie shops. Was my favorite place when I lived there. Best stacks, best staff-recommendation cards, everything a bookstore should be.
