Saturday 30 July 2011

First Double Fail!

The re-entry process after a two week holiday can be stressful. Even more so when your poor, abandoned, slobber-hound decides that the perfect "Welcome Home" present is to leave his version of a Jackson Pollak on your bedroom carpet.

Let's not discuss his chosen medium, ok?

Plenty of reading and sleep on Thursday - my travel day. Yesterday? Ugh.

Returned to work. Returned to stress. Returned to heat and humidity. Returned to frustrations galore...

Oh, and returned just in time to hit my favorite summer event - a three day Celtic festival. Which meant i was out the door by 5:00 pm, and drinking a cold brew by 5:30. And dancing, and singing, and eating all manner of stick-based meat products.

The 30 minutes of reading didn't happen yesterday. In bed by midnight, but tossed and turned, and didn't get anywhere near 7 hours of good sleep, before waking up to get on with the chores of the day at 7:30 am.

Today? Will be better. Although i'm back to the festival today... and likely going to the musicians "after-party". Which starts at 11pm. Which should be a blast... Better get my reading done... Sleep? Meh. Might be over-rated in some circumstances!


Anonymous said...

Sleep is definitely over rated when it comes to Celtic Festival! Have fun! =)

M L Jassy said...

Cea mile failte and welcome home.