Saturday 30 July 2011

the daily swim 19

No problems today either - lovely weather obviously helps a lot. But the jellyfish issue is still a problem - they seem to like drifting in our bay. As I was swimming today a man waded past me towards the shore thrashing his arms in front of him like scythes. 'Les meduses?' I said. And when he looked blank, 'Jellyfish.' Ah oui,' he said,' c'etait l'accent.' So the way I say 'les meduses' is so weird it's harder to understand than the english 'jellyfish'? Merde. That's 'shit' for any french people reading.


Anonymous said...

I can barely eek out the French alphabet, but now I'll be using Merde from now on. =)

M L Jassy said...

Bloody stingers.

Anonymous said...

although they are gorgeous and fascinating creatures, they sure will "merde-up" a good swim, won't they?