Monday 1 August 2011

Las cosas que creamos que se necesitar.

Tengo una bañera muy bonita y muy grande. Sin embargo, en los 18 meses que he vivido aquí, he probablemente sólo lo se utilizan tres o cuatro veces.

Estaba duchando ayer, y pensé eso: ¿Cuáles son las cosas que tengo y no uso, pero se perdería si yo sabía que no los tiene?

  1. Una bañera. A pesar de que no lo uso a menudo, se sienten privados si yo sabía que sólo podía tomar una ducha. 

  2. Mi llave de bicicleta de Boris. Cuando se introdujo por primera vez, yo lo TUVE QUE tener. Tenía una bicicleta entonces, pero tenía una bicicleta, pero yo todavía necesitaba tener acceso al juguete nuevo. Hoy en día, estoy feliz para saber yo lo tengo, pero no voy a biciclete a menudo. Tonto. 

  3. Los canales de películas en el cable. La mayoría de las veces, son una mierda. Tengo muchos DVDs (y aún más los libros que no se han leído), pero es importante se saber que tengo el acceso.
  4. Estas botas. Yo rara vez los llevan, pero no puedo decirle lo mal que he necesitado.
  5. Libros. Tengo libros (¿demasiado?) que yo sé que nunca va a leer otra vezy otros que dudo que alguna vez se lee en el primer lugar. Pero si todos fueran a desaparecer, me sentiría como si hubiera perdido algo muy importante.

¿Qué cosas tienéis que no les gustarían nada que perder, pero nunca uso?


Lynne Rees said...

I did have a lethal clear out of the unnecessary before coming to France in 2008 but there's still:

Books, yes, loads. There's a big cull coming before I move back to the UK.

A sofa bed I brought with me when I moved from Jersey to Kent in 1985and still accompanies me from house to house. I love it in my writing room, but hardly ever sit on it.

A box of catering wine glasses from Tesco. They miscounted the ones they lent me 5 years ago and I got to keep 24. But as they're those little squat round things that hold 2 tablespoons I never use them.

A pair of designer sandals in fuschia pink with coloured rhinestones stuck on the two skinny leather bars that go across the foot... I can't wear them without them falling off.

I'd better stop there...

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what your post says, and can't entirely guess from Lynne's comment, but great picture, beautiful room.

Maureen Mcgarvey said...

Right. Things I keep but I don't need but I can't get rid of....Among them would be:

1. All my mother's crystal, in particular her crystal vases. I have about 4 of these. They are all very large, and would dwarf any 99p bunch of daffodils from Sainsburys. These vases are meant for BOUQUETS!!! I rarely get bouquets. I also have a couple of crystal ashtrays, which although i smoke, I never smoke in my house, and I don't want to take them into the garden. A couple of crystal decanters and a crystal drinks tray. I could go on.
2. Inadequate storage solutions. i am a sucker for those sort of hanging things you can get in IKEA, which should store jerseys, scarves etc. Put 'em up, feel all organised, and 2 weeks later take 'em down again because they don't work. Ditto different size of storage boxes. Amd storage jars [but not with anything written on them, naturally...]
3. Lip glosses. My life is a search for the perfect lip gloss. I nearly found it once, it was by Dior and cost too much money, so I have never been able to buy myself another one. I know that the next lip gloss I buy will not be the perfect one, but I can't stop myself trying. I cannot live without my lip glosses, but they are never right. Soon I will have to face the fact that i am getting too old for gloss, and will have to shift to lipstick, which will spill nicely into the lip wrinkles of my smoker's mouth. Good to have something to look forward to.