Sunday 10 July 2011

Dave's 30 day gruel

"More, you want MORE!!?"
This was the abuse hurled to a young Oliver's request for more gruel at the slophouse.
Well, my gruel is going to be less sloppy and more 20th century! Jogging, glorious jogging!
I pay so much to carry a gym card in my wallet, once I was cool enough to have two.
Well now I want to jog for 30 days, outside my flat, come rain or rain in the London summer, perhaps before work once I am in the swing of things!

Day 1 is Tuesday and I am ready to meet my Fagan!


bob said...

"Consider yourself" a runner.

Jen White Doom said...

Ha ha, Bob! Dave, I hope that your running inspires me to run as well, even if it isn't actually my 30 day thing.

dave said...

Day 1 complete, let's see if i can reach 30 now!